Dalam cerita Clyde dengan sabar menanti si pelaku keluar dari masa penjaranya dan pada saat sama, si asisten kejahatan pun juga menghadapi eksekusi hukuman mati. Hal ini terjadi (pelaku utama menjalani penjara 10, sedang si pembantu dalam tindak kejahatan mendapatkan hukuman mati. Singkat cerita, pelaku utama membuat kesepakatan atas pengakuan bahwa ia melakukan kejahatan, sedang si asisten justru menolak keterangan bahwa ia membunuh, yang memang riil tidak dia lakukan. Hal itu dinilai hakim dan jaksa sebagai hal yang memberatkan. Lalu Clyde melihat bahwa jaksa dan hakim, atau sistem peradilan yang mengenainya tidak berlaku adil dan telah melakukan kesepakatan dengan kejahatan.
Dalam balas dendam Clyde, yang seorang pakar strategi perang dan bertahan hidup (hal yang tidak diketahui pihak penuntut umum dan pengadilan), ia menerapkan semangat dialektika perangnya Carl von Clausewitz. Dalam asumsinya, Carl von Clausewitz bisa dikatakan sebagai pendukung pemikiran dialektika Hegelian. Dalam sisi yang lebih praksis, perang dan pesan Renaissance dalam perang.
Salah satu kutipan Carl von Clausewitz tentang pembelajaran perang:
"These principles, though the result of long thought and continuous study of the history of war, have nonetheless been drawn up hastily, and thus will not stand severe criticism in regard to form. In addition, only the most important subjects have been picked from a great number, since a certain brevity was necessary. These principles, therefore, will not so much give complete instruction to Your Royal Highness, as they will stimulate and serve as a guide for your own reflections."Beberapa Prinsip Perang Carl von Clausewitz
- the dialectical approach to military analysis
- the methods of "critical analysis"
- the nature of the balance-of-power mechanism
- the relationship between political objectives and military objectives in war
- the asymmetrical relationship between attack and defense
- the nature of "military genius" (involving matters of personality and character, beyond intellect)
- the "fascinating trinity" (wunderliche Dreifaltigkeit) of war
- philosophical distinctions between "absolute" or "ideal war," and "real war"
- in "real war," the distinctive poles of a) limited war and b) war to "render the enemy helpless"
- "war" belonging fundamentally to the social realm—rather than to the realms of art or science
- "strategy" belonging primarily to the realm of art
- "tactics" belonging primarily to the realm of science
- the importance of "moral forces" (more than simply "morale") as opposed to quantifiable physical elements
- the "military virtues" of professional armies (which do not necessarily trump the rather different virtues of other kinds of fighting forces)
- conversely, the very real effects of a superiority in numbers and "mass"
- the essential unpredictability of war
- the "fog" of war
- "friction" - the disparity between the ideal performance of units, organisation or systems and their actual performance in real world scenarios (Book I, Chapter VII)
- strategic and operational "centers of gravity"
- the "culminating point of the offensive"
- the "culminating point of victory"
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