Monday, October 31, 2011
Narration of Cybercrime History
1764: Choice theory came about through the thinking and writing of Cesare Beccaria in the mid-seventeenth Century, and it is still widely relied on to explain why people break laws against many types of traditional crime and cybercrime.
1789: Copyright protection was legalized to empower creators, ‘‘To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.’’
1800: Beginning in the nineteenth century new scientific methods lead to discoveries having to do with trait theory.
1900: In the twentieth century several additional general theories of crime came into being. One of these was social process theory, which posits that people commit crime as the result of how they are raised, educated, and acculturated in society.
1903: Originally known as the Bureau of Corporations, the FTC was created on February 14, 1903, under legislation sought by President Theodore Roosevelt to guard against price fixing by corporate cartels.
1914: Congress reconstituted the Bureau of Corporations into the FTC with enactment of the Federal Trade Commission and Clayton Act.
1923: Interpol is established as an international crime information organization.
1929: October 24, Black Thursday. The Stock Market crashed starting the Great Depression, which ultimately led to banking reforms including the establishment of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) as authorized by Congress in the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
1932: Enigma was deconstructed originally by a Polish mathematician, Marian Rejewski, in 1932, who was able to decipher a pattern and method of encryption allowing the evolution of Enigma to be tracked.
1933: Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933.
1934: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created in response to the thousands of bank failures that occurred in the 1920s and early 1930s.
1937: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established by the Communications Act of 1934 as an independent agency of the federal government, directly responsible to Congress.
1939: ‘‘SPAM’’ was first coined (and trademarked) in 1937 as the brand name of a canned pork product that is still made by the Hormel Foods Corporation.
1945: World War II begins with Germany’s invasion of Poland and sets the stage for computer research and development leading to innovations in munitions and rocket and missile guidance systems.
1950s: World War II ends with Germany and Japan surrendering to allied nations. The United Nations is founded in the aftermath. Students attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) establish the basis for what eventually would emerge as the hacker subculture.
1958: The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 created the Federal Aviation Agency (forerunner to the FAA).
1960: PLATO is developed and considered to be the first online educational community.
1963: The term ‘‘cyber culture’’ first appears in the Oxford English Dictionary.
1967: Federal Aviation Agency, changed to the FAA in 1967 when it became a part of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
1969: ARPANET is created by connecting the mainframe computers at Stanford Research Institute, the University of California–Santa Barbara, the University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA), and the University of Utah.
1972: Atari’s Pong is released, considered the first true video game.
1974: Congress created the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as an independent agency with a mandate relating to that of the SEC, to regulate commodity futures and option markets in the United States.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is established as an independent agency to regulate civilian use of nuclear materials as authorized by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.
1975: Dungeons and Dragons is created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson is released, one of the first fantasy role-playing games originally designed for tabletop play.
Congress creates the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), the statute that governs the financing of federal elections.
1976: Copyright Act of 1976 grants exclusive rights to a copyright owner, including the following: (1) the right to reproduce the work; (2) rights to create and reproduce other works based on the original piece; (3) the right to distribute copies; (4) rights to perform the work publicly; and (5) the right to display and transmit the work in a public place.
In a 1976 Congressional Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (i.e., the Church Committee), examples of the Federal Government’s illegal domestic spying are revealed.
1978: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (1978) creates a secret court to review wiretap and other requests of law enforcement agencies in cases that threaten national security.
1980s: Public key encryption was first conceived of in the mid-1980s.
Leetspeak makes its first appearance in the mid-1980s.
Malware begins plaguing information systems, which initially are not illegal and considered malicious computer abuse pranks.
1982: ‘‘Cyberspace’’ first appears in print, but author William Gibson popularized the word and concept of cyberspace with his 1984 book Neuromancer.
1983: MILNET splinters from ARPANET, founded as the dedicated Military Network.
The protocol (set of communications rules) known as TCP/IP became the main networking protocol of ARPANET and continues to be used as the technical basis of data exchange on the Internet.
1984: Steven Levy publishes his 1984 book titled, Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, which described the ‘‘Hacker Ethic.’’
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is founded under a Congressional Mandate.
1985: Razor 1911 forms to become what is widely considered to be the oldest surviving warez group.
1986: Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is passed (18 USC 1030), the first computer criminal law in the United States.
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (an update to the Wiretap Act codified at 18 U.S.C. Section 2701-2711) is passed.
1988: CERT/CC® was formed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in November of 1988.
The Internet is commercialized. See Computerization Robert Morris Jr., a doctoral (PhD) candidate at Cornell University, releases the first Internet worm.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1988).
1989: SANS Institute is founded as a cooperative research and education organization.
1990: ARPANET is disbanded.
Bot programs are developed by users of Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Personal computers (PCs) become a mainstream commodity.
Electronic Frontier Foundation is founded by Mitch Kapor, John Perry Barlow, and John Gilmore.
Kevin Poulsen, a skilled computer and telephone network hacker, and two accomplices manipulate a telephone network to win a ‘‘call in’’ radio contest hosted by KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, California.
Controversial Operation Sundevil investigation by U.S. Secret Service.
Network Centric Warfare develops at the end of the Cold War conflict between United States and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
1991: The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) was established in 1991 as the Computer Crime Unit within the U.S. Department of Justice, with three prosecuting attorneys.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) computer program was developed by Philip Zimmerman for encryption emails and other electronic communications.
The terms ‘‘identity theft’’ and ‘‘identity fraud’’ are not believed to have been used in print until 1991. See Identity Theft Operation Desert Storm, First Gulf War.
1993: ID Software’s DOOM is released, becoming the first modern multiplayer game.
1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Assistance Act (1994).
Landmark court case United States v. LaMacchia centers on cybercrime involving $1 million in lost revenue through distributing copyrighted software on the Internet.
1995: Known as ‘‘America’s Most Wanted Computer Outlaw,’’ Kevin Mitnick is apprehended in Raleigh, North Carolina.
At this point there were 16 million users of the Internet.
1996: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is legislated and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
Council of Europe’s Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) began studying and drafting a proposed Convention on Cybercrime.
Economic Espionage Act of 1996 gives law enforcement greater means to investigate and prosecute corporate espionage.
The U.S. President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) addressed national vulnerabilities associated with interdependent technological systems.
Internet2 is founded as a nonprofit organization. The purpose of Internet2 is to discover the full potential of Internet technology and further promote collaboration and innovation.
1997: ‘‘Cyberterrorism’’ enunciated by Mark Pollitt.
The No Electronic Theft Act of 1997 makes it illegal for any- one in the United States other than the copyright holder, assignees, or their agents to distribute copyrighted software over the Internet.
1998: Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (U.S. Public Law 105-318) criminalizes identity theft.
Domain Name System (DNS) is created as the universal resource locator (URL) for all Web sites.
1999: Various tools such as Trinoo, Tribal Flood Network, Stacheldraht, and Shaft developed to carry out distributed denial of service (DDOS).
Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) enacted to assist copyright and trademark holders in disputes regarding the registration of domain names.
David Smith releases the Melissa Worm by using a stolen America Online account to post a message promising access to pornographic Web sites on the newsgroup.
2000: DDOS tools merged with worms and rootkits in order to automate the multiple compromise systems to launch further attacks.
Emergence of peer-to-peer (p2p) networks and other file-sharing programs enables people to share and download music for free, resulting in loss of royalties for artists.
The family of the musician Jimi Hendrix pursued legal action against Denny Hammerton, the registrant of the domain name ‘‘’’
Hacker launched Denial of Service (DOS) attacks against Yahoo,, Amazon,, and eBay, which severely limited their access to the Web sites of these companies.
Programming student in the Philippine Islands releases the ILOVEYOU Worm causing significant damage to computers running Microsoft Windows.
Y2K (Year 2000) bug expected to knock out computer systems throughout the world due to a programming flaw involving the assignment of dates that used only six bits (00/00/00) instead of eight bits (00/00/0000) to represent a month, day, and year.
2000, A&M Records and several other record labels sue p2p firm, Napster.
The completed Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime was opened for initial signature by participating nations in Budapest, Hungary.
September 11 aircraft hijacking terrorist attacks against World Trade Center and Pentagon kill 3,000 people and result in United States ‘‘war on terrorism’’ and unprecedented monitoring of cyberspace for possible illegal activities.
‘‘Digital natives’’ and ‘‘digital immigrants’’ described by Marc Prensky.
USA PATRIOT Act is signed into law on October 26, 2001.
Code Red released onto the Internet as a means to exploit a flaw in Microsoft IIS (Web page) servers.
Warez group known as Drink or Die (DoD) disbanded after an anti-online piracy campaign.
Operation Buccaneer carried out by the U.S. Department of Justice.
2002: U.S. export controls of ‘‘strong encryption’’ relaxed.
Denial of service (DOS) attack cripples seven servers integral to Internet functioning.
2003: Federal Trade Commission reveals that over 27 million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the preceding five years.
CAN-SPAM Act See Laws, Privacy Protection; SPAM Malware known as Slammer infects 90 ercent of the computers vulnerable to its attack method within ten minutes.
2004: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children logs 39 percent one-year increase in number of reported incidents of child pornography.
The CISSP program earned the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ISO/IEC Standard 17024:2003 accreditation, the first information technology (IT) certification to have done so.
Major earthquake and tsunamis lead to widespread disaster relief fraud on Internet.
Economic losses within the United States attributable to Spam estimated at over $21 billion.
2005: Qui Chengwei, age 41, stabbed to death fellow online gamer Zhu Caoyuan in Shanghai, China, for selling a virtual cyber-sword that the men had previously jointly won in an online auction.
College students in the United States begin using Internet II to pirate music, movies, and software.
Landmark court case Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc., et al. v. Grokster, Ltd., et al. effectively changes ways in which p2p firms can operate so as not to infringe on copyright.
ChoicePoint, one of the largest data collectors and resellers in the United States, pays $10 million in civil penalties and $5 million for consumer redress due to an unprecedented data breach.
2006: Congress approves President George Bush to sign Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime.
Thirteen-year-old Megan Meier commits suicide allegedly because of online harassment.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was duped into erroneously paying out over $1 billion in disaster relief to alleged victims of the Katrina and Rita hurricanes that
struck the Gulf Coast in 2005.
America Online (AOL) accidentally releases Internet search data of 658,000 customers.
2007: Austrian authorities uncover international organized child pornography ring involving over 2,300 people from 77 countries who used standard point-of-sale systems to pay for and view videos of children being sexually abused.
Forty-three countries had signed the International Convention on Cybercrime, and 21 nations had ratified it.
Computer servers believed to be located in Russia used to launch cyber attacks against critical information infrastructure of Estonia.
The Consumer Reports National Research Center, on the basis of survey of more than 2,000 households with Internet access, estimated that in the two years prior to the study U.S. consumers lost $7 billion as the result of computer viruses, spyware, and phishing schemes.
Researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) launch world’s largest cybercrime victimization and offending survey involving over 40,000 K–12 students. Findings verify a considerable number of cybercrimes are committed by and among adolescents.
Nucleus Research estimated that the costs of spam exceeded $71 billion worldwide.
2008: There are approximately 1.5 billion individual users of the Internet.
An undersea telecommunications cable in the Mediterranean Sea is severed, slowing Internet access dramatically in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and several nations in the Middle East.
Hackers successfully disrupt electrical power grids in several U.S. cities.
(I made this as resumed and revised) source from:
"encyclopedia of cybercrime" edited by Samuel C. McQuade, III
greenwood press, london. 2009
[need more revision, by many events came after 2008]
Saturday, October 29, 2011
25 Important Things for Designing Mobile Web
- Avoid horizontal scrolling.
- Maintain visual consistency with your desktop site, if you have one.
- Reduce the amount of text.
- Use legible fonts on every screen; don’t rely on the resolution.
- Use background colors to separate sections.
- Keep the main navigation to three or four links.
- Maintain the total link count at no more than 10 per page.
- For low- and mid-end devices, don’t insert more than one link per line.
- Use all the available width (i.e., not columns) for links, list elements, text inputs, and all possible focusable elements.
- Provide a Go to Top link in the footer.
- Provide a Back button in the footer (some browsers don’t have a Back button visible
all the time). - Provide the most-used features at the top.
- Group large lists by categories, each with no more than 10 items (for example, country selection by selecting the continent first).
- Minimize the amount of user text input required.
- Save the user’s history and settings for future predictive usage.
- Split large text articles into pages (with page size depending on the richness of the
browser). - Try your color palette in different environments. Users may be in a place with poor lighting, on public transport, at the beach in bright sunlight, or in an office with fluorescent lighting.
- Provide different styling for touch devices.
- Think about fluid (liquid) designs for best adaptation.
- Use lists rather than tables.
- Don’t use text images.
- For touch and cursor-based devices, use full-width links so that a link will activate if the user clicks on any pixel in the line containing it. Make sure there is only one link in each line.
- Use high-quality color images and fancier features stuff for smartphones (we will discuss optimizing later).
- For cursor navigation, create medium-sized clickable zones for the cursor, moving by 5 or 10 pixels every time. Do not make the user travel a lot using the cursor; design all the clickable buttons near each other.
- If you are providing a shortcut, a widget, or an offline version of your mobile website, create an alert at the top of the design (generally with yellow background) alerting the user to download it. Don’t show that alert after many views or after the user has entered the download area.
Monday, October 24, 2011
clamav update in ubuntu
[saya masih belajar, jadi mulai dari dasar saja]
+pada terminal, arahkan pada "etc/clamav":
+pertama cek lokasi anda, dengan ketik "pwd"
+lalu arahkan ke root, dengan ketik "/"
+jika tidak yakin dengan list directories, ketik "ls"
user@ubuntu: ~$ ls
user@ubuntu: ~$ pwd
user@ubuntu: ~$ cd /
user@ubuntu: /$ ls
user@ubuntu: /$ cd /etc
user@ubuntu: /etc$ ls
user@ubuntu: /etc$ cd clamav
user@ubuntu: etc/clamav$
[untuk mendapatkan virus db update]
user@ubuntu: etc/clamav$ sudo freshclam
[cek ketersediaan clamdscan]
user@ubuntu: etc/clamav$ clamdscan -v
[install clamdscan]
user@ubuntu: etc/clamav$ sudo apt-get install clamav-daemon
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Hukum yang Tanggung?
Suatu saat di dalam perkuliahan, kami sekelas diingatkan oleh seorang dosen, bahwa:
Hukum kita tidak mampu berjalan dan menjadi baik, lantaran kita tidak memiliki landasan filsafat hukum yang baik.Itu adalah pengungkapan rasa kesal dan dorongan kepada kami untuk menyelami filsafat dan menyelamatkan basis hukum kita. Beliau adalah Theodorus Sardjito, dosen kami yang telah berpulang kepada-Nya sekitar satu setengah tahun silam. Baliau belum juga sempat menyelesaikan doktornya, Allah sudah menggelarinya almarhum. Semoga yang ia telah tanamkan dengan kuat, tentang filsafat hukum, di tanah pikir kami yang terlalu cadas waktu itu, bisa bermanfaat di kemudian hari. Dan memberikan jalan terang bagi semua.
Bagaimana cara memperbaiki sistem hukum?
Mulailah dari yang sederhana, dari tiap-tiap organ kehidupan (manusianya, masyarakat, administrasi, hukum, politik) dari yang sederhana. Tetapi permasalahannya adalah, bagaimana kita bisa 'menyelesaikan' mereka yang sudah 'rusak', berada di pusat, dan mengakar?
Bisa digambarkan, bahwa ketika kekuatan untuk perubahan ke arah kebaikan tidak memunculkan hal-hal dasar dan menyuarakannya. Maka perubahan keseluruhan tidak akan pernah terjadi. Dan masalah besarnya (yang seringkali tak selesai-selesai) adalah, para tetua yang uzur itu memiliki basis yang luas.
Maka cara, dengan pengandaian yang tidak serumit praktenya, adalah dengan menanamkan, mengagitasi setiap insan untuk melakukan pola pemikiran mendasar (filosofis) terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkembang. Akar filsafat, sebagaimana pengungkapan Alm. Sardjito di atas adalah penting. Filsafat adalah mengajarkan manusia untuk kembali memandang dan menganalisa berbagai hal dengan kembali ke dasar, menyelesaikan masalah dengan mengurai akarnya dan menjabarkan tiap bagiannya ke dalam akar masing-masing. Maka semua akan melihat, di mana saja kesalahan yang selama ini terjadi, dan menghambat proses untuk menjadi diri sendiri (dengan hukum yang bernurani), dan mampu melihat pola keberpihakan hukum (pada siapa dan kenapa).
Berfilsafat = Sosiologi (Hukum)?
Maka cara, dengan pengandaian yang tidak serumit praktenya, adalah dengan menanamkan, mengagitasi setiap insan untuk melakukan pola pemikiran mendasar (filosofis) terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkembang. Akar filsafat, sebagaimana pengungkapan Alm. Sardjito di atas adalah penting. Filsafat adalah mengajarkan manusia untuk kembali memandang dan menganalisa berbagai hal dengan kembali ke dasar, menyelesaikan masalah dengan mengurai akarnya dan menjabarkan tiap bagiannya ke dalam akar masing-masing. Maka semua akan melihat, di mana saja kesalahan yang selama ini terjadi, dan menghambat proses untuk menjadi diri sendiri (dengan hukum yang bernurani), dan mampu melihat pola keberpihakan hukum (pada siapa dan kenapa).
Berfilsafat = Sosiologi (Hukum)?
Untuk melihat semuanya kembali kepada akar dan membangkitkan potensi keberpihakan hukum kepada kebenaran secara lebih baik (tidak secara utuh, walaupun itu yang harus dikesankan, tetapi politik hukum selalu memiliki pertimbangan yang tidak kita sukai, keberpihakan pada hal lain, selain keadilan bagi siapa saja), dan bebas kepentingan negatif. Maka perlu pendekatan yang lebih rooting. Pendekatan yang lebih dapat mengakses data base pengetahuan tentang hukum, dan application-nya. Pengetahuan itu dapat diantarkan oleh peran sosiologi murni kepada hukum.
Filsafat kepada hukum memberikan landasan bersimulasi dalam ukuran dasar-dasar etika dan estetika keberadaban, dengan tujuan untuk memberikan takaran yang pas dalam cara berfikir dan menelurkan gagasan serta konsep hukum yang logis dalam maknanya sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan batin masyarakat. Sedangkan Sosiologi Hukum memberikan langkah klarifikasi terhadap logika dan berbagai hipotesa dalam tahap filosofis.
Dalam tingkat filsafat akan ditemui berbagai idealisme yang masih ada di dalam angan, dan filsafat akan sangat membutuhkan data lapangan, data realistis empiris. Untuk mendukung, menyangkal, melemahkan, atau memperkuat hipotesa awal. Dengannya lantas filsafat itu akan berkembang, dan secara siklikal akan senantiasa membutuhkan informasi dan data baru dari ruang sosialnya. Maka dalam hal ini, kejujuran dalam memandang masyarakat dipercayakan kepada suatu kajian yang kita sebut sosiologi, bidang yang terus menerus melepaskan diri idealis filsafatnya dan menemui fakta lapangannya dengan alat-alat ukur yang terus up graded. Ia melepaskan diri dari filsafat, mencoba meraih data faktual mencerna lantas menelurkan pemikiran baru (ketiganya diproses dengan peralatan yang kontekstual). Pemikiran baru itu lantas memberi asupan ide kepada filsafat, lalu berkembang kepada idealisme, lantas keinginan penggalian secara ilmiah sosiologis, dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya.
Maka kejujuran dalam menciptakan idealisme hukum mesti tidak lepas dengan filsafat hukum serta pencandraan sosial dengan perangkat sosiologi (hukum). Dari sinilah kita berangkat mengangkat bentuk-bentuk kritis, dan semua ide semestinya menjadi gerakan yang mencerahkan siapa saja dalam ruang sosial. Satu ruang terhadap lainnya, dalam tiap layer.
Kekuatan untuk senantiasa ber dialektika dengan idealisme dan kesahihan pengamatan sosial akan memberikan santapan yang kukuh dan berkesinambungan. Sehingga ide tidak akan lagi (sekecil mungkin) terlucuti saat menghadapi pertarungan non-virtual di masyarakat. Dan hukum akan tak tanggung-tanggung berjalan dan tak lagi tanggung, tak main tabrak.[sr]
Thursday, October 6, 2011
install and run LAMPP in ubuntu :)
Pastikan that you have LAMPP (XAMPP for linux) dalam bentuk zip/tar nya.
here the link:
[click or copy-paste this link, pilih the latest version]
Saat ready or well downloaded, saatnya kita melakukan these steps rite in your terminal:
[make sure you in the root by type this:]
~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for you:
[arahkan ke file donlotan tadi, your downloaded file place:]
root@you PC:/home/you# tar xfvz xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz -C /opt/
root@you-PC:/home/you# cd /opt
root@you-PC:/opt# ls
[thats installed]
[check the installed content:]
root@you-PC:/opt# cd lampp
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ls
bin error htdocs lampp libexec logs phpmyadmin sbin tmp
cgi-bin etc icons lib licenses modules RELEASENOTES share var
[try to start your lampp:]
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.7...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[now test your browser, type http://localhost/ in the address bar]
[you'll see the xampp home, if you success, if not, solve it :D (see the screenshot below)]
[to shutdown your lampp:]
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ./lampp stop
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.7.7...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
[pic. saat anda masuk ke dalam welcome to xampp, install success!]
here the link:
[click or copy-paste this link, pilih the latest version]
Saat ready or well downloaded, saatnya kita melakukan these steps rite in your terminal:
[make sure you in the root by type this:]
~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for you:
[arahkan ke file donlotan tadi, your downloaded file place:]
root@you PC:/home/you# tar xfvz xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz -C /opt/
root@you-PC:/home/you# cd /opt
root@you-PC:/opt# ls
[thats installed]
[check the installed content:]
root@you-PC:/opt# cd lampp
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ls
bin error htdocs lampp libexec logs phpmyadmin sbin tmp
cgi-bin etc icons lib licenses modules RELEASENOTES share var
[try to start your lampp:]
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.7...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[now test your browser, type http://localhost/ in the address bar]
[you'll see the xampp home, if you success, if not, solve it :D (see the screenshot below)]
[to shutdown your lampp:]
root@you-PC:/opt/lampp# ./lampp stop
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.7.7...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.

[pic. saat anda masuk ke dalam welcome to xampp, install success!]
virtualbox for Backtrack (memakai virtualbox untuk BT) in ubuntu
Pertama-tama, pastikan dalam ubuntu Anda terinstall virtualbox [cek di accessories], atau cari tahu di > "system/administration/synaptic package manager" > search: virtualbox.
Setelah memastikan virtualbox telah eksis :) , pastikan ada *.iso Backtracknya.
Berikut steps-nya:
New ---> next
insert "name" VM (virtual machine) yang diinginkan
insert OS Type, pilih OS: Linux
insert OS Type version: Ubuntu (, u BT4 final, based debian)
next ---> tentukan Memory size, setidaknya set ke sepertigannya (karena kita butuhnya bukan sebagai 'main os', tapi tetap butuh RAM secara optimal)
next ---> virtual harddisk, cek 'boot hard disk' > Creat new hard disk
next ---> welcome
next ---> Harddisk storage type, pilih Dynamically expanding (agar bisa menggunakan space dengan efektif dan dinamis sesuai perkembangannya)
next ---> virtual disk location and size (location adalah nama yang dibuat tadi u virtual harddsik, size yang ditentukan akan menjadi size maksimum bagi drive ini; ingatkan ini dynamically expanding?)
next ---> you'll get your virtual harddisk setting summary [done].
clik settings
select > storage > IDE Storage, IDE Controller (pastikan terseleksi) akan muncul icon CD dengan '+', select icon CD
Attributes > slot: IDE Primary Master
Attributes > CD/DVD Device: arahkan pada file *.iso BT-mu
select > harddisk virtual dalam list kiri > start
select setting > enter.
[have a nice run]
Setelah memastikan virtualbox telah eksis :) , pastikan ada *.iso Backtracknya.

Berikut steps-nya:
New ---> next
insert "name" VM (virtual machine) yang diinginkan
insert OS Type, pilih OS: Linux
insert OS Type version: Ubuntu (, u BT4 final, based debian)
next ---> tentukan Memory size, setidaknya set ke sepertigannya (karena kita butuhnya bukan sebagai 'main os', tapi tetap butuh RAM secara optimal)
next ---> virtual harddisk, cek 'boot hard disk' > Creat new hard disk
next ---> welcome
next ---> Harddisk storage type, pilih Dynamically expanding (agar bisa menggunakan space dengan efektif dan dinamis sesuai perkembangannya)
next ---> virtual disk location and size (location adalah nama yang dibuat tadi u virtual harddsik, size yang ditentukan akan menjadi size maksimum bagi drive ini; ingatkan ini dynamically expanding?)
next ---> you'll get your virtual harddisk setting summary [done].
clik settings
select > storage > IDE Storage, IDE Controller (pastikan terseleksi) akan muncul icon CD dengan '+', select icon CD
Attributes > slot: IDE Primary Master
Attributes > CD/DVD Device: arahkan pada file *.iso BT-mu
select > harddisk virtual dalam list kiri > start
select setting > enter.
[have a nice run]
Monday, October 3, 2011
Pendekatan Sosiologi Hukum pada Cybercrime?
"Cybercrime masih saja menjadi bidang hukum yang eksklusif di Indonesia, masih jarang yang menyentuhnya, walaupun sebenarnya kian banyak orang yang terlibat dan berpotensi memiliki permasalahan dengan cyberlaw, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aspek-aspek pidananya."Memahami cybercrime dengan mendekatinya secara sosiologis dalam beberapa aspek memiliki keutamaan. Sebagaimana juga pendekatan terhadap sisi-sisi hukum pidana lainnya.
Sekali lagi apa pun pendekatan hukumnya, perlu memerhatikan aspek-aspek kebenaran teoretis yang terhubung secara benar terhadap kenyataan an sich.
Dalam pendekatan sosiologi kritis, kita akan mengenal bagaimana cara memilah pengetahuan dan kepentingan. Diasumsikan bahwa apapun yang kita dapatkan sebagai informasi dari suatu tinjauan terhadap ruang sosial, adalah hasil dari saringan sistem. Kekuasaan akan suatu pengetahuan akan memberikan ketidakjujuran pada khalayak, karena merekalah residu dari informasi. Wujud dari pengaruh informasi.

Jika tidak dengan melakukan kritik terhadap kenyataan, menyibak apa yang ada di balik pemberitaan. Kita akan menjadi mangsa dari kekuasaan. Pendekatan kritis terhadap sosiologi hukum adalah wajib. Karena apa? Karena ini menyangkut hak hidup semuanya, termasuk saya dan Anda.
Dalam permasalahan pembentukan opini hukum di berbagai media massa, mereka tidak berdiri secara otonom terpisah dari berbagai kepentingan. Karena kepentingan adalah bawaan dari kekuasaan, dan kekuasaan menancapkan kukunya sejak lama, sejak kita mulai belajar memahami sesuatu. Katakanlah negara memiliki tujuan yang harus diraih, maka akan dibenamkan di dalam benak masyarakatnya berbagai talian tentang tujuan bersama. Semua yang tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan negara, atau bahkan melawan, akan diberangus. Dan ini adalah kepentingan kekuasaan dalam tujuan bersama yang positif, selama tidak disalahgunakan secara zalim.
Sebagai alat kekuasaan, hukum akan memberikan konsep-konsep dalam bersikap dan berperilaku yang semestinya di lingkup kekuasaan negara. Akan tetapi terkadang kepentingan negatif dari pihak tertentu yang ingin mengambil keuntungan dari kekuasaan, dan terkadang dalam usaha untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan, bukan tidak mungkin juga memengaruhi konsep dan struktur hukum. Kebenaran konsesual muncul dari claim kekuasaan atas kebenaran, kekuasaan menggerakkan tangan-tangannya dalam politik. Dan kita juga mengenal istilah 'politik-hukum', bagaimana hukum itu dibentuk tidak lepas dari berbagai represi dan ekspresi politis kekuasaan. Dan semua seringkali terlalu halus untuk bisa dibedakan secara tegas, mana yang pro terhadap kekuasaan dan mana yang pro terhadap kepentingan negara dan rakyat.
Pendekatan Sosiologis menciptakan kedekatan riil terhadap publik, melepaskan diri dari teori-teori 'arm-chair' (teori yang disusun berdasarkan pengamatan dari balik meja kerja, tanpa turun ke lapangan), dan membebaskan dari klaim pengaruh negatif politik atas kebenaran nafas hukum yang murni muncul dari masyarakat.
Dan Cybercrime?
Dan cybercrime adalah dalam wilayah yang rentan, saat sumberdaya manusia yang lemah dalam penanganan hukum cyber (terutama kejahatan cyber). Saya masih tak habis pikir jika batasan delik dalam undang-undang terkait masih terlalu tak teratur, dan belum sepenuhnya KUHP maupun mekanisme penanganannya di KUHAP belum juga di up date, maka. Akan banyak kasus yang tidak selesai dengan baik.
Akan muncul banyak penangkapan dan penggeledahan yang tidak pada tempat dan terhadap orang yang tepat. Akan terjadi over criminalisation terhadap banyak kasus, yang melibatkan interaksi cyber dan offline.
Bagi sosiolog hukum, memandang ruang dan celah yang masih banyak kosongnya dalam pembahasan kejahatan cyber, adalah sebuah peluang untuk menguji gagasan sosiologi terhadap pembentukan hukum dan memahami bagaimana masyarakat tersebut memahami makna hukum serta membangkitkan kebutuhan terhadap ketertiban.
Bisa dibilang, dalam menerapkan kajian terhadap masyarakat (dalam bidang apa pun). Kajian sosiologis adalah kajian filosofis (mendasar) dari kerumunan manusia yang berinteraksi dan menciptakan etika serta kesepakatan-kesepakatan serupa lembaga-lembaga di dalamnya. Ini seperti memahami manusia sebagai organisme, begitupun masyarakat adalah organisme atau biasa dikatakan terorganisir, berupa organisasi. Yang tumbuh dan berkembang, serta menghadapi permasalahan dan pertentangan di dalamnya.
Dalam ruang jagad raya hukum cyber yang masih muda, anomali masih besar potensi terjadi dalam jumlah besar, dan kenyataannya, masih selalu mencari keteraturan. Hukumlah (dengan sensitifitas sosiologi hukum yang ada di cabangnya), yang mampu mengatur dan menertibkannya, dengan memahami pola masyarakatnya. Maka era hukum rimba cyber pun dapat lebih diberadabkan menjadi civil society cyber. Maka gejolak di dalamnya akan lebih dapat ditentramkan. Dan akan memunculkan pertumbuhan positif terhadap masyarakat dan kemajuan teknologi yang bertautan dengan perikehidupan di dunia nyata.
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