since about late half year or maybe more i watched that there is sometimes an advertising about link to free download sample of music group (free mp3s) appear at the bottom-right of my fb windows, it much said "[a group band/musician name] fan?" then it followed by a link to free download sample of a new band mp3.
indeed this advertising of the sponsor which appears all time sometimes annoying. once i read in a top rank musician and a member of a big music group wrote in his blog (apparently his personal web either), that this kind of advertising is annoying much, he never realize that his band support the band which this ad said. but the advertising said seems like those groups are the imprint or the backbone team, or maybe pretend as the junior part of these major bands.
how easily these advert came to us and make a fan of a big band mind, soon become a fan of the band that sponsored by the industry who use ad space in fb. its a kind of manipulation if true that the band they mention not really support or even never know anything about the promoted bands. this advertising has stole and use the name or using image of the big band without permit, probably, the same time they win the money of the new bands which they promoted. by put (or yet stole) the big band names, mislead the fans to consume the ad logic, that they must love those bands too if... bla bla bla.
really annoying.