Saturday, November 23, 2013

SetupQuranInWord2003-2007.exe (Ms Word 2010, tested and run)

Application (.EXE)
File size: 968.26 KB
Uploaded: 2007-11-11 17:48:31
Uploaded From:
About Executable File Formats
An executable file is a file in a format that a computer can directly execute. Although most executable files are safe, these formats are the most commonly used to transmit viruses and infect computers with malware. Executable files should be scanned with up to date anti-virus software and should not be opened unless you trust the source or were expecting this file.
the link: >>>
Setup al Quran in Microsoft Word
(I tested in Microsoft Word 2010, run nicely)

Hukum Penalaran dan Ilmu Hukum

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultricies efficitur nunc id accumsan. Aliquam quis facilisis felis. Integer...